The first thing your insurance company will tell you when you call to make a claim is that you need to take your car to one of their 'approved repairers'. In actual fact, you have the right to take your car to any repairer of your choice but the insurance company will obviously try to get your car into the shop they have agreed contracted discounts in place with. Unfortunately, the common thing that comes along with these agreements is time constraints and paint and material cost limits, which in turn mean you end up with a repair that is not up to the high standards a body shop can aim for when they are not constrained by these agreements.
Whether the repair is to be paid for privately or by an insurance company we aim for the same high-level standard as always supplied at Autodoc.
Please note: From February 2024 all assessments and written quotations will be by appointment and charged at cost of £35. If you proceed with the repairs, this amount will then be deducted from your final bill.
Bumper scuffs
Key scratches
Cracked bumpers
Large dented panels
Heavy Impact damage